Friday, July 10, 2015

What is a bad bite?

A bad bite refers to the misalignment of teeth. When teeth do not come together correctly, they are termed bad bite, or "malocclusion."

What causes a bad bite?

It is often caused by genetics, environmental factors, oral habits or multifactorials. For example, you may have an overjet, commonly known in lay term as "over bite," where your front teeth stick out. With this bite, your lower lip, caught behind the upper teeth, wedges both top and bottom teeth and makes the upper teeth stick out further. If you have a tongue habit, your tongue can push your front teeth out further. The misalignment of your teeth and jaw can make the bite worse over time.

3 types of bad bite:

In orthodontics, there are 3 main types of bad bite. There are also subdivision bites but for simplicity, lets discuss the 3 main ones. They are categorized based on how the top and bottom jaws relate to each other.

  • Class I bite is referred to both upper and lower jaws being proportionate in length. There is no issue with the jaw; instead, the bite problem is associated with the teeth. The teeth are either not straight or they can be crowded, spaced, rotated, overlapped, twisted or tipped.
  • Class II bite refers to a long upper jaw or a short lower jaw. The jaw position affects the appearance of the front incisors. With a Class II bite, the upper front teeth fit far outside the lower front teeth. 
  • Class III bite refers to a long lower jaw or a short upper jaw. Often the upper jaw grows too short and the lower jaw grows too long. With a Class III bite, the lower front teeth fit far outside the upper front teeth.

Before and after pictures of bad bites, or malocclusions, treated by an orthodontist

Who should correct a bad bite?

A bad bite should be corrected by an orthodontist. Orthodontists are dental specialists who have undergone an additional 2-3 years of specialized study in the field of malocclusions to correct and treat bite and jaw problems. They are trained to diagnose all problems associated with the teeth, the jaw, the airway, the facial musculature, and temporal mandibular joints. Some bite problems may need both orthodontics and surgical interventions. Although your general dentist may offer orthodontic treatment, he or she does not have the added training and may not be able to correct complex orthodontic cases.

Dr. Nancy Phan is an orthodontist and has been practicing orthodontics exclusively for over 10 years. When you schedule an orthodontic consultation, she will go over your bite problem and suggest treatment options. Orthodontic records can be taken at that time to further collect data, diagnose problems, analyze details and establish a treatment plan. Once a treatment plan is completed, treatment will then be rendered.

When you have a bad bite, you need more than tooth alignment. You need correction of teeth, bite, jaw and facial alignment to achieve that harmonious and beautiful smile! You can check our website for other beneficial information.

Beautiful smile with no bite problems

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