Monday, September 7, 2015

5 commonly asked questions regarding Invisalign

Orthodontic treatment has come a long way since the advancement of technology and material options. Unlike the old days when the only option to straighten your smile was to wear a mouth full of bulky bands and brackets, today's braces are thinner, smaller and more aesthetically designed. In addition, there are other treatment options that can hide the look of braces, such as lingual braces and Invisalign.

Invisalign logo: The clear alternative to braces
Invisalign is a popular option to correct crooked teeth and crooked smiles with minimal discomfort. Today it is estimated that nearly two million adults and teenagers wear Invisalign aligners.

Below are five commonly asked questions regarding Invisalign:

1. Are they really invisible?

Yes. Since the aligners are crystal clear and they are trimmed to the gum margins, they appear "invisible" to onlookers.

2. Are they less painful to move teeth than braces?

Yes. First, since the aligners are smooth, round and flexible, as opposed to raised corners and shapes in metal or ceramic brackets, they are more comfortable to the mouth. Secondly, since teeth are moved with mild, gentle and continuous force, they are less painful. Any discomfort associated with moving teeth is limited to just day one and two of wearing new aligners. Most patients rate the discomfort level at 1 or 2 out of 10 on the scale of tolerance.

3. Does Invisalign work as well as braces?

Yes. At the molecular level, bone biology works the same whether the teeth are moved through Invisalign force or braces force. The principle is that bone cells have to break down and regenerate to allow bone around the teeth to soften so the tooth can move. With Invisalign, plastic materials are programmed to push teeth. With braces, fixed wires and brackets are used to push and pull teeth. Although one treatment method uses removable products and the other method uses fixed appliances, both methods should render a nice, straight, beautiful smile.

As with an artist and painting, the artist's experiences and skills dictate whether or not the painting looks good in the end. With Invisalign treatment, an experienced orthodontist leverages his or her expertise, knowledge of teeth movement, mechanical force principles and force mechanics to design and create a beautiful smile.

4. Is wearing Invisalign better for your teeth?

Yes, Invisalign aligners allow easier brushing and flossing than wearing braces. Wearing aligners also allows some protection from bruxism and teeth grinding at night. Since aligner materials are more clear and invisible, they are more discrete and more socially acceptable for patients, especially adults and teenagers. Patients can eat any kind of food without having to cut it into small pieces or avoid hard foods. Invisalign is a great choice, especially for adults who want to straighten their teeth but minimize the risks of gingivitis and periodontal diseases.

5. Do they cost more than braces?

While cost of treatment varies from patient to patient depending on the level of treatment and needs, the cost for Invisalign and braces are very similar. In general, Invisalign and traditional braces may vary by a few hundred dollars, which makes Invisalign a good alternative to braces.

For more information about Invisalign or Invisalign Teen, schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Nancy Phan. She can answer your questions and concerns. The consultation is complimentary. You can visit us at

Invisalign versus braces - top 5 Invisalign questions answered

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