Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Remind me again…what is so important about keeping my teeth clean?

What is so important about keeping your teeth clean? Let’s cover the why and how, even if you wear braces.

Why is it important to clean your teeth?

Whether you have baby teeth or permanent teeth, you want good healthy teeth so you can eat well, live well and enjoy a life free of pain, disease and discomfort. Once you lose all your baby teeth, it is even more urgent that you work hard to keep your teeth healthy, since you only have ONE set of permanent teeth. They are so precious because, if you lose one, you lose it for life. 

If you don’t brush well, you can develop decalcification, which is equivalent to having scar marks on your teeth. These spots are not only unaesthetic, but they weaken your teeth and lead to higher chances of cavities and decay. Tooth decay leads to pain associated with things like fillings, root canal treatment, expensive restoration, crowns, bridges, fillings, implants and even dentures. Unhygienic brushing can lead to gingivitis, gum disease, bone loss or tooth loss.

While you can go through oral rehabilitation to restore your teeth once they are broken or damaged, it is best to prevent these things from happening in the first place. You will save yourself pain, time, expense and headaches, and maintain great oral health. Getting braces is not an excuse for inadequate brushing.  You need to spend more time to remove plaque and bacteria that sits around the brackets, teeth and gum surfaces.

By taking good care of your teeth while wearing braces, you will gain the benefits of having healthy teeth and a confident smile. 

cleaning your teeth with and without braces

How to keep your teeth clean:

Begin with good daily habits. Brush your teeth at least 2-3 times daily after meals. Flossing is equally as important as brushing. Flossing allows the removal of food and bacteria in between the teeth and gums to keep them healthy. 

If you have children, explain the reasons to them. Teach them the skills, and help them maintain daily discipline and habits of brushing and flossing. Visiting your family dentist twice a year is part of an important oral heath regimen.

Care for your teeth while wearing braces:

It is even more important to maintain good oral hygiene while wearing braces. There are more surfaces for food to get stuck around the braces and in between your teeth. You need to brush, floss and remove plaque daily to keep your teeth clean, prevent bad breath, and avoid irreversible damage to your teeth and gum tissue.   

Dr. Nancy Phan recommends avoiding sticky foods and carbonated drinks. The sugar in these items can create an acidic environment and easily break down enamel, which can cause damage to the teeth.

Dr. Phan and the staff at Care Orthodontics can give you a list of foods to avoid while wearing braces and instructions on how to brush, floss and take care of your teeth while undergoing orthodontic treatment. Visit us at for more information.

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