Tuesday, August 4, 2015

5 Ways to clean your retainers and aligners and keep them smelling fresh

If you wear retainers or Invisalign aligners, you need to clean them and keep them smelling fresh. 

Here are five ways to keep them clean:

1. Mechanical Cleaning 

The most reliable way is daily mechanical cleaning using a toothbrush and storing your retainers in an open lid case during the day, when you are not wearing them. Dry air will wick away any odor to leave the retainers dry and fresh for the next night’s wear.

2. Baking Soda

A second way is using baking soda. You can soak your retainers in a solution of 1 part baking soda, 3 parts water for 20 minutes. Baking soda neutralizes any acidic content in plaque and biofilm that normally surface on retainers. It also deodorizes the smell. After soaking, make sure you brush the retainers or aligners with water to get rid of minerals and build-ups.

3. Mouthwash Solution

A third way is soaking in mouthwash solution. You can soak retainers or aligners in mouthwash for 20 minutes or less. It is best to use alcohol-free mouthwash since the alcohol can degrade the plastic material of retainers overtime. Since most mouthwash solution such as Listerine contains alcohol, you should brush your retainers first, then soak your retainers just a short period to achieve a fresh scent.

4. Retainer Cleaning Products

The fourth way is using over-the-counter retainer cleaning products. Samples of retainer cleaning tablets are Retainer Brite, SonicBrite, DentaSoak, and Efferdent. Other products that also work effectively are retainer cleaning gel, spraying foam, retainer wipe, and retainer spray. They all have deodorizing effects to give a fresh-smelling scent. You need to follow the manufacturer's instructions on the box.

5. Castile Oil

The final way is soaking in Castile oil [Source: Wikihow]. Castile oil is made out of coconut oil and olive oil, so it is organically safe and free of harmful chemicals. You can purchase a bottle of peppermint Castile liquid soap at the body cleanser section at Walmart or order online for about $5 to $10. Castile soap contains a main ingredient called Castile oil.

You can also substitute with peppermint oil to give it a very pleasant smell. Squirt 2 tablespoons of Castile liquid soap or peppermint Castile liquid soap in a cup of warm water and soak your retainers or aligners for 15 minutes. After you take them out and rinse them with water, you will have very clean and peppermint-smelling retainers [Source: AskTheDentist].

If you find this post helpful, let us know. You can find other useful information and articles at our website, www.CareOrthodontics.com. Dr. Nancy Phan and the team love to give you a beautiful and radiant smile.
picture of an aligner or retainer in its case showing how to keep retainers and aligners clean and fresh


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