Here are ways to eliminate bad breath so you can smile and talk with confidence while going through orthodontic treatment. Some of the tips listed below can apply for both braces and Invisalign wearers. Use them as you see fit.
Fresh breath tips for the braces wearer:
- Eat a healthy diet. Protein-rich foods, vegetables, fibers and grains are easily digested, minimizing the potential for bad breath. Foods that have high calcium content such as low-fat yogurt, cheese, milk and other dairy products support strong bones and healthy teeth, and do not contribute to bad breath. Sugary foods tend to stick on teeth longer and contribute to bad breath. When carbohydrates sit on the teeth for too long, bacteria in the mouth start to ferment, secreting acid and causing decay, which in turn causes the secretion of sulfur gas and leads to halitosis, the technical term for bad breath.
- Drink less sugary products. Since anything with sugar tends to contribute to bad breath, try to cut down on juice, carbonated soda, and other sugary drinks. Not only you will cut down on bad breath, you will cut down on getting cavities.
- Brush and floss after each meal. If you brush and floss your teeth right after each meal, you dislodge any remaining bits of food so that they do not stick around in the mouth long enough to cause bad breath. Brushing and flossing also reduce your risk of getting tooth decay and stains.
- Use a water flosser. A water flosser will displace most plaque and bacteria that sit right above the gum and around the brackets to keep your mouth clean and cut down on bad breath.
- Scrape your tongue in the morning. The tongue traps more than 50 percent of bacteria that contribute to bad breath. In the morning, use a tongue scraper to clean and scrape your tongue for one minute. You will get rid of most of the bacteria that excrete sulfur gas and contribute to bad breath.
Fresh breath tips for the Invisalign wearer.
- Brush your Invisalign trays 2-3 times daily. Food particles and build-ups around the trays contribute to bad breath so brush them well and keep the trays clean.
- Maintain good oral hygiene. Brush and floss your teeth daily to keep your teeth clean and fresh.
- Remove trays while you are eating. Eating with the trays in the mouth contribute to more food impaction, more risk of tooth decay, and more bad breath. Always take the trays out while you eat, whether you are at home or in public.
- Keep your mouth hydrated. A dry mouth will lead to bad breath. By sipping plenty of water, you will keep your mouth hydrated. If you are out and about and cannot brush your teeth after a meal, then take a sip of water and swish around to clean out lodged food. If water is not available, licking your teeth for about 20 to 30 seconds and bath your teeth in saliva so that saliva can wash out food and bacteria to cut down on bad breath.
- Rinse your mouth with Listerine to get rid of more bacteria and leave your breath minty fresh.
Together you, your general dentist and the Care Orthodontics team will monitor your teeth. Take care of your teeth and smile and you will maintain fresh breath during your orthodontic treatment. For more information, visit our website at
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