Friday, July 11, 2014

What are the benefits of braces…other than just to straighten teeth?

Woman smiling with straight teeth enjoying the benefits after braces

Everyone wants a naturally straight and beautiful smile. It is no secret that braces can deliver a good smile. However, there are many additional benefits to having braces other than just having straight teeth. You will gain many oral health benefits in addition to the cosmetic ones:
  1. Reduce tooth decay and gum disease. Crooked teeth, crowded teeth, overlapped teeth create tight spaces, lead to food traps and difficulty brushing and flossing. Gingivitis and periodontal diseases are different types of gum disease, caused by certain strain of bacteria found in plaque sitting above the gum and deep inside the gum pockets. These bacteria break down bone and tissue attachments to cause teeth mobility and tooth loss. Having straight teeth allows better brushing and flossing, reducing food traps and encouraging healthy gingival and bone.
  2. Improve your speech. Your teeth play a significant role in speech. The way your tongue is positioned in relation to your teeth contributes to the formation of sound. When your teeth are too far out forward or backward, they can affect speech and cause lisping, frustration or embarrassment. Aligned teeth allow for more clear and acute speech.
  3. Improve your eating. Your top and bottom teeth need to come together evenly to break down food. A person who has an open bite, when the top and bottom front teeth are not aligned, will not be able to bite into a piece of lettuce or into a thin slice of ham with the front teeth. Another person with an overbite or an under-bite will have a hard time chewing food normally. Straight teeth allow better chewing and mastication. 
  4. Prevent bone erosion. Bone and gum begin to erode when there are no teeth to support them. Teeth that are far out of alignment can lead to bone and gum erosion, resulted in teeth mobility and teeth sensitivity. With braces, Dr. Nancy Phan can bring poorly fitted teeth back into a healthy range. 
  5. Reduce risks of temporal mandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction. Bad bites can cause stress to the temporal mandibular joint and lead to muscle fatigue, muscle spasm, joint soreness or joint inflammation. By eliminating a bad bite, Dr. Nancy Phan can establish a harmonious occlusion with minimum joint stress. 
  6. Improve your digestion. Your teeth play an important role in digestion. Before food gets digested in your stomach, they are first digested by your teeth. When teeth are severely out of line, they do not break down food effectively. With braces, you can achieve more optimal chewing. 
  7. Improve your self-esteem. A research by Wakefield and the American Association of Orthodontists revealed that 1/3 of American adults are unhappy with their smile. Bad teeth represent one of the biggest dating turn-offs among men and women. Bad teeth lead to lack of self confidence and lead to missed opportunities on career advancement, social interactions, and a better job interview or a job offering. Having a beautiful smile is the first step to gaining self confidence.
With today's technology, braces are thinner, smaller and far more esthetics than the 1960s -1970s. People can get their teeth corrected with different options such are metal braces, ceramic braces, clear aligners, Invisalign, etc. Healthy teeth can be moved at any age. You are never too old to enjoy a straight and healthy smile!

Call us at 408-971-2885 or check us at to schedule a complimentary consultation for orthodontic treatment. You can enjoy all the benefits of braces discussed in this article.


  1. Nancy, this was a great post about some of the benefits of braces. I had no idea that they could reduce tooth decay and gum disease. For a long time I thought braces only straightened teeth!
    Emily Smith |

  2. Hi Emily, thank you for your comments and clarification. Braces do not directly contribute. The indirect benefits of braces, from having straight teeth, allow easier brushing, flossing to reduce risks of tooth decay and gum disease.

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