Monday, August 18, 2014

8 Benefits of Invisalign Treatment for Teens and Adults

Most people recognize the Invisalign brand name and have heard that it can help adjust your teeth. However, do you know all the benefits that Invisalign can bring?

Invisalign is an orthodontic system that uses transparent, removable aligners to move teeth. Almost everyone who has healthy, permanent teeth can benefit from Invisalign treatment. Aligners can straighten teeth without metal brackets. They can be removed daily for eating, brushing, flossing and any social events. In addition, there are other benefits that are specific to teenagers and adults.

Benefits to teenagers:
  1. Invisalign Teen protects teeth during contact sports. At Care Orthodontics we recommend wearing a mouth guard for all contact sports or gymnastics. It absorbs shock from any object that can shatter teeth and lacerate lips. For teenagers who are in braces, a custom fit mouth guard is expensive to fabricate and is difficult to fit over braces. With Invisalign, aligners already wrapped around the teeth to provide some protection. For heavy sports, aligners can be removed and a normal mouth guard can be worn without the added expense of a specialized mouth guard.
  2.  Invisalign protects lip irritation for anyone playing "wind-musical instruments" such as clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, horns, etc... Unlike braces, Invisalign has no raised metal brackets or sharp corners to cause scratches, canker sores or inflammation. Teenagers can remove aligners while practicing and playing in a band. Since aligner material is very thin, it is an ideal dental device for music lovers. 
  3. Invisalign trains kids to be more responsible. Since Invisalign requires kids to wear aligners full time with an average of 22 hours per day, kids are treated like an adult and asked to be responsible for their treatment. Surprisingly, I find that kids enjoy their responsibility when being challenged on a daily basis. They comply better when they see their teeth becoming straighter. They are motivated to wear the aligners because they can see the changing results.
  4.  Invisalign saves time. I understand that kids are busy with many school activities such as academics, sports, and after-hour curriculum, while parents are busy with work and commuting. Going to an orthodontic office and waiting to be seen for a monthly adjustment is a chore that both parents and kids are glad to eliminate. Invisalign offers a perfect alternative because they require a fewer number of office visits. There are no monthly adjustment, no dental emergencies such as loose bands, brackets or pokey wires, and no alteration in diet or flossing. For busy teenagers, Invisalign saves time and makes treatment a convenience.
Smiling teen with Invisalign

Benefits to adults:
  1.   Invisalign is a versatile therapy for adults.  Aligners can be removed to eat, brush, and floss. You don't have to worry about changing your diet or avoiding certain favorite foods as required by braces. You don't have to deal with special brushing or flossing tools. Without brackets, there is less plaque accumulation near the gum line, thus less risk of gum diseases and deep pockets. Adults also experience lighter force with aligners, thus making treatment more enjoyable and less painful. 
  2.   Invisalign is a good solution for social settings. Many adults aren't sure if it is worth wearing braces to have straight teeth. They don't want to be noticed for having metal brackets in their mouths or having food stuck between their brackets. Now adults can achieve straight teeth, without the hassle of worrying about metal brackets.
  3. Invisalign is a good fit for adults who have busy schedules.  Between works, meetings, picking up and dropping off kids at schools, groceries and meal preparation, adults usually have no time left at the end of the day. With Invisalign, there are virtually no emergencies or loose appliances, discomfort is minimized, and fewer visits to the orthodontist’s office are required. It is the preferred appliance for many busy adults.
  4. Invisalign can help with teeth whitening. Patients can buy whitening kits over- the-counter and whiten their teeth while getting their teeth straightened. It is an ideal set-up for a beautiful and healthy smile.
For more information about Invisalign or Invisalign Teen, schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Nancy Phan. She can answer your questions and concerns. The consultation is complimentary. Give us a call at (408) 971-2885 or visit us at
Smiling woman with straight, healthy teeth and a beautiful smile


  1. This is some really valuable information for any parent or adult looking to help their own dental appearance, or their children's. I had never heard that invisalign braces were better for people who play woodwind instruments. But I remember how terrible it was trying to play the sax with my braces as a kid. My son plays too, so I guess I should try for invisalign when he eventually needs braces. Thanks so much for writing!!invisalign/cutt

  2. I've heard of the Invisalign, however I didn't know there were so many good benefits of this method! I especially love the fact that they can protect teens teeth during sports! I have a little boy so this seems to be a very good option for him! Thanks for this information!


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